Technology can be used to build new skills, share information, and connect social networks

Digital Empowerment
Empowering community with digital knowledge
Women Emopowerment
Through Education, mentorship, business ownership
Agricultural Development
Through agriculture and enterprising programs
Climate Channge
Carrying out green activities to reduce on climate threats

You, Him, Her and I, together we can
do it better

Twelvegates Foundation
Inspired by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to guide our work.

SDG Goal 1
Reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty.

SDG Goal 9
universal access to information and communication technology.

SDG Goal 13
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Twelvegates Foundation
With the love we have for change in every areas of our lives to have a greater and purposeful generation, we have to work together without excuse. We highly believe that we shall reach those goals listed.
Villages to be reached and empowered with knowledge by 2026
Digital centers established by 2030 for easy digital information access.
women empowered through business & quality education by 2026
Youth to be empowered with digital knowledge for self reliance by 2025
Information Sharing
Access to information and communication technology is one thing we look at that will change lives

Engaging youth in positive activities
We need to create a platform were youth can speak out on issues affecting adolescent health, such as texting, later…

Invest in Cassava and Simsim
Sim sim is very drought resistant, and can survive in harsh conditions where other crops struggle making a major cash…
where we work
Pakwach, West Nile Region
Our soul dream is to reach young people and women as many as we can think of.