

I’m digital and am not going any where. So  you better embrace me.

Digital literacy

STEM employment opportunities have become the fastest growing segment of jobs in Uganda with most office requiring at least a working knowledge of compute use.

At Twelvegates, we prepare  youth to participate in and meaningfully
contribute to the 21st Century, global, tech-economy.

Our ICT Development program looks at creating business environment to accelerate the development of M/SMEs through utilizing ICTs’ potentials.

For us to reduce on unemployment rate in Uganda we will have to embrace technology.

ICT Services

Through this program we reach out to people who have no clue about digital world and those who have little knowledge. In a community were even the educated fail to launch a computer program, it means much has to be done for people to appreciate computer literacy.

Therefore we are looking at bringing ICT services close to our people and as well give them hands on knowledge of the cutting edge technology.

Developing ICT tools that can help solve community problems.

Objectives of the program

Foster the entrepreneurial mindsets of youth through developing highly specialized trainings and professional ICT tools.

Share information to solve the national unemployment problem