Water and Sanitation


Water and Sanitation

Twelvegates promote WASH in our communities. This is to increase access to safe drinking water and improve sanitation and hygiene practices.

WASH status in our community

We all need clean and safe water and good hygiene to have a good life and health. Unfortunately this is not the case in our community of Paroketo sub-county we have poor sanitation and hygiene which has left many sick.

Bilharzia is disturbing our community because most of our people are still taking un-boiled drinking water which is gotten from the river.

Our Nile river water is totally dirty because we share it with animals that is the cattle, goats and sheep; to make it worse fisher men use it for their long call business. From the other side of the river bank (Murchison Falls National Park) we have the wild animals that use the same waters.

Another problem for not having safe and clean water in our community is lack of pit latrines, most homes don’t have pit latrines therefore open bushes have become our long call business zone and all these people don’t use soap. In fact no one bothers about using soap. Therefore our poor community suffers the burden of poor sanitation since it’s the poor who use bushes for defecation.

Our Call

As part of the community, and we wish to have a healthy and lively community. We have to fight against water borne disease; at our capacity we sensitize our community to drink boiled and clean water, digging pit latrines far away from main house by at least 30 meters.

We are innovating better ways to see these problems come to an end.